Key To Success

Long ago a group of travellers went to some place for the sake of their business. The climate there was so hot that it was difficult for them to step out during the day. So, every evening when the day they step out after weather became cold. It was desert all around them and they did not know the direction.

So, they hired an experienced travel guide to guide them. They were expected to reach the destination in three days. They travel peacefully for two days and after the second day they could see their destination was near.

On the third day, all of them had heavy dinners and started their journey. The travel guide was very sleepy and they lost their way. The next morning, they saw that they were exactly where they have started from.

All the travellers were very angry at the travel guide, “We have not left with any water or food tomorrow. We all will surely die.” The travel guy was very sorry but he had not lost hope. He was thinking about what had to be done to save everyone.

When he suddenly noticed some grass. “Look there” he shouted. “There can be no grass if there is no water. So there has to be water some were here beneath the ground. Let us all dig the ground.”
All of them dug the ground for some time but they did not find any water just a huge stone. One man said, “This guy is making us dig the ground without any use. Let us stop it. Anyways we all will die.”

The travel guide heard this and told, “Brothers let us not get disheartened. We should try our best or all of us would die.” Then he called a young man from the group and told, “Please try to break this stone with all your strength.” The man tried hard and with the one strong hit he broke the stone into two pieces.

Once the stone was broken water came out like a stream from underneath it. Soon all of them quench their thirst and took a bath. They were all happy to live.

Moral: Perseverance is key to success. One should try continually  till he succeeds.


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