A To Z Motivation

* Avoid negative thoughts, people, things and habits.

* Believe in yourself.

* Consider things from every angle and others point of view.

* Dare to dream and dream big.

* Energy, excitment and enthusiasm is in your blood.

* Family and Friends ar hidden treasures. Enjoy these riches.

* Give more than you plan to.

* Have a good sense of humor.

* Ignore discouragement from others.

* Jump on problemsbecause they are opportunities in disguise.

* Keep up the good work however hard it may seem.

* Love yourself, just as you are.

* Make impossiblity possiblity.

* Never lie, cheat or steal always strike a fair deal.

* Open your eyes and see things as they really are.

* Perfect practice make you perfect.

* Quiters never win and winners never quit.

* Reward yourself for every small success and achievement.

* Stop wasting your time.

*Take control of your life and your goals.

* Understand so that you sould understood.

* Win over your own weakness and make them your strenght.

* Xcelerate yor efforts.

* You yes you, you can and you will.

* Zap you stress and Enjoy your life.


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